by Santiago
Summer has ended, and the bell has rung! Welcome back returning Roadrunners and a special warm welcome to all the new faces on campus. We are geared up and ready to have an exciting, successful, creative, experimental and memorable school year. Our educators are refreshed and are ready to educate our students. They have worked diligently on developing their curriculum and incorporating innovative teaching techniques that will help to maximize each student’s learning.
We know that getting back on track will be met with some challenges in the beginning. But we are confident that each student will get back into the full swing of “normalization” in no time. Besides, with all the enriched programs offered, the extracurricular activities, in-state and out-of-state study trips, field trips, science & robotics’ fair, holiday themed events and the end of the year performing arts musical, the school year will pass in the blink of an eye. Because as they say, time flies when you’re having fun!
Our goal is to ensure that each student has the necessary tools and skills they need to continue to soar with confidence knowing that they have the power to be successful. This goal can only be accomplished by working together as a team for the betterment of each student. As they say it takes a village… We encourage you to get involved; whether it’s in the classrooms, chaperoning a field trip, volunteering at an event, or any form of service you can provide to benefit our students. Your contribution is priceless in their eyes.
Roadrunners, it’s now time to get your learning on! It’s time to open your minds, put on your thinking caps and get ready to embark on a fun-filled exciting academic adventure. It’s time for you to continue to nurture and master your natural born talents and skills. Your time is now, Roadrunners. The school year is your canvas, make the best of it! The Village is rooting for you!