Children of Promise
Preparatory Academy
Children of Promise Preparatory Academy (COPPA) is a charter school designed to serve students in grades K-8. COPPA’s educational structure and philosophy of learning provides stability and continuity necessary to foster quality education from the earliest grade level possible in one distinct and one unique educational system. We do this because studies suggest schools that provide socio-disadvantaged students with the opportunity to learn in a stable and continuous educational system grades K-8 promote improved social-emotional and academic outcomes.
Unlike other public charter schools, we focus on serving all children, regardless of their educational background, deficits or experience. COPPA’s educational system begins as early as preschool, and transitions our scholars through our Early Learning Center and elementary grades to better prepare our students for success in high school, college, career, and life.


TK - 8th

Please note that this charter is no longer in operation as of June 2020

The mission of Children of Promise Preparatory Academy is to not only provide a rigorous and challenging academic curriculum, but to also create a learning community of students, parents, teachers, staff, and committed adults that helps each student reach his/her highest individual potential intellectually, socially, emotionally and physically.
Technology - COPPA believes that students can learn how to leverage technological skills to their benefit and growth. COPPA provides a Chromebook for each student, at a device ratio of 1:1.
Visual and performing arts (eg. dance, acting, vocals) - Our emphasis on the whole child includes specific instruction in the arts. Art instruction tends to expose students to multiple perspectives and increases critical thinking skills, and knowledge and interest in art and culture.
Music (eg. guitar, drums, violin, clarinet, trumpet) - Every COPPA scholar learner life's outcomes are greatly improved because they have the opportunity to participate in COPPA's music program.
Chess - COPPA’s chess program is designed to create important learning experiences that are fun for children but teach and develop crucial life skills, important character traits and prepare children to compete and succeed effectively at all levels.
Tutoring program - Teachers provide tutoring to students in a specialized program that reinforces the core standards they learn during class time.
Looping instructors - In COPPA, the class teacher has the opportunity to take the same children through the grades for multiple years, teaching all the main lesson subjects. We call this looping. Looping provides the child with a sense of camaraderie and commitment, and affords the teacher the opportunity to work more deeply with the children and their families.
Study trips (eg. Washington D.C., Sacramento, San Francisco, Catalina Island, California College Tour) - Study or educational trips make children much more confident and inspire them to reach outside their normal environment to learn and obtain skills that dramatically improve their outcomes.