Children of Promise
Early Learning Center​
Children of Promise Early Learning Center (COP ELC) is a fully licensed child care center serving children ages birth to six years old in a loving, nurturing, and playful environment that strives for excellent moral and academic achievement.


3130 W 111th Pl
Inglewood, CA 90303

0 - 6 years old


Monday - Friday
8:00am to 5:00pm

We guide the learning experience of young children to include basic core academics and skills which will become the needed building blocks for future learning success.
The mission is accomplished with the use of the Core Knowledge Preschool Sequence (CKS) augmented by other learning aides and materials. We provide children with a set of fundamental competencies, skills and specific knowledge that will provide a solid, coherent foundation for later learning in kindergarten and beyond. We believe that basic academic skills and the ability to apply these skills provide the needed framework for a solid academic education and future.
Provide the highest professional quality of early childhood education and childcare services.
Ensure that the staff stays informed of issues pertaining to childcare via workshops, seminars, formal classes and in-service training.
Make a significant impact in the quality of life for children by making early childcare stimulation just as important as primary and secondary education.
Infant Center
Toddler Transition Classroom
Preschool Classroom
Hands-On Academics
Computers in Classroom
Social/Motor Skill Development
Math/Writing Skill Development
Lunch & Snacks Provided
Kindergarten Boot Camp

In order to be a successful students in a school, children must develop the ability to self-regulate. Tools of the Mind (TOTM) is a program focused on self-regulation. Self-regulation encompasses not only emotions, physical behavior and social interactions, but includes the ability to monitor and control cognitive processes such as attention.
Tools of the Mind involves center-based learning, and asks students to manage their own process through the centers by assigning learning plans, defining transitions between centers, and having students maintain learning records from each center visited. Another benefit of TOTM is that center learning time provides teachers time to do pull-outs for intervention.
Benefits of TOTM include:
The ability to stay on task, ignore distractions, remember the purpose
The ability to hold two strategies in mind at the same time 
The development of self-discipline 
The motivation to succeed

The Conscious Discipline Brain State Model is a framework to help teachers understand the internal brain-body states that are most likely to produce certain behaviors in children. It is a practice that teaches skills that help students to respond rather than react. They help with impulse control, problem solving, and empathy, during challenges. Students learn to consciously manage their thoughts and emotions.
Elements of the CD implementation include:
Creating safe spaces in the classrooms
Introduced calming strategies
Reading the feelings books
Moving away from a system of rewards and punishment to a system of connection and compassion
Progress monitoring shows a significant reduction in conflicts and emotional outbursts and an improvement in peer relationships. Feelings of connection to the adults in the school also increased. This contributes to student learning because teachers can focus on teaching instead of classroom discipline.